Your business relies on your network more now than ever. It’s a critical part of your success. You know you need your network to stay up and running, and at its peak performance, yet you don’t have time or the skills to be a network expert. You have a business to run. When your network goes down it can be a disaster.
NetPulse, our network monitoring service, allows the identification of a network emergency, such as downtime, the moment it happens. NetPulse will spot early signs of trouble and help to take action to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Enjoy the confidence of knowing that when an issue needs to be addressed, you have Priority Access to Citynet’s team of highly trained and professionally certified network engineers and specialists to get you back into tip-top shape quickly.
Quick Response
- NetPulse monitors what issues are affecting your network, and responds before they become critical: such as a server running low on memory.
- NetPulse automatically alerts Citynet and your staff guaranteeing a quick response to problems, 24x7x365.
Security Monitoring
- Alerts Citynet and your staff on attempted network access by unauthorized users.
- Extensive security reporting gives you a bird’s-eye view of your entire network’s security.
Graphical Performance Reporting
- Scheduled executive reporting, automatically generated and sent directly to e-mail addresses of your choice.
NetPulse Monitors It All
- Your network consists of many components working together to keep you running. NetPulse monitors all of them, including: Servers, Applications, Network Security Services, Wide Area Network Connections, Wide Area Routers and Switches and more
Remote Management & Communication
- NetPulse minimizes disruptions to the work environment by remotely resolving many issues.
- If an issue arises that requires on-site assistance, prior in-depth knowledge allows us to send fully prepared specialists who can resolve the issue faster than ever before.
- Network services monitoring and alerting (POP3, HTTP, FTP and others).
- Very low bandwidth requirements – does not slow down your network response time.